1 - BTE Pre-assessment
a - In the preliminary phase, BTE produces a pre-assessment of documentation provided and a feasibility analysis, affordability viability in order to start up the transaction.
For this purpose, shall be examined, among others, type of business, current financial situation and perspective, main performance indicators of budget and development plan that has to be considered to finance.
b - Subsequently, where will occur the conditions required for the implementation of the transaction, BTE prepares the data and the necessary documents to the next process of due diligence.
c - Third, identify the characteristics of the securites most suitable to the project's development and its economic and financial situation.
BTE works, then, to research and contact potential investors to assess the interest of the market towards the specific area.
BTE can assist, finally, the client also after the operation through monitoring and periodic analysis and reporting any critical issues related to the economic-financial corporate situation.
Billion Team Experience. Business and Investment Solutions